Your Facebook page is a great addition to your website and your email list to help you with marketing. The point of having an active Facebook page is so that you can engage more with your audience, but also so that you can move them to your email list. To accomplish both, here are a few ideas that will help.

  1. Post More Often – That’s right; you want to post often so that you keep the activity level up on your Facebook page. The reason is that Facebook doesn’t deliver the content automatically to everyone who follows your page (even when they have notifications on), so some people may miss something. It’s okay to post an update more than once, too, but try not to post the same content in a row. Instead, intersperse it with other content and updates.
  2. Ask Questions – If you want your audience to engage with your posts, ask questions. Conduct polls and surveys, and ask them questions to get them talking. You can ask questions specific to your niche, but you can also ask questions about them personally. For example, if you have a page for your social media marketing business, ask them what they love about social media marketing, of course, but also ask them to share a picture of their pets or children while you do the same.
  3. Host Regular Live Sessions – “Going live” is a great way to engage with your followers on your page. You can easily go live with your mobile device or computer using Chrome or Firefox browsers. You don’t need anything special. Just make sure you’re in a quiet space and go for it.
  4. Share Content from Your Blog – When you publish content on your blog, or anywhere else for that matter, share it with your audience on your Facebook page. Don’t just put a link to the content; instead, write up a blurb, include an image, and ask them to look at the rest of the content on your blog.
  5. Share Other People’s Content – Your followers also share content with their audience often, so do them a favor and share theirs with your audience, too, if it’s relevant. Any relevant content from any place is a good thing to share if it helps your audience and provides value for them.
  6. Create Memes from Your Content – If you have quotes or other content you want to share, you can use a program like to create a meme with the quote or the short content. Be sure to write the content into the window as well, for people who are blind and for the search engines. The image with the quote will make a huge difference in how many people view it.
  7. Host Contests – Most likely, the people on your page are already customers of yours. To get the buzz going, you can host a contest. For example, ask your audience what they love about your services or products. Ask them to share an image of themselves reading your book, using your product, or talking about the benefits they received from your information or product.
  8. Use Images – An image makes a lot of difference, whether your post is noticed. You can be creative by putting arrows to help people look up at the content. Anything you can do to draw attention to your content is important so that more eyes see the content.
  9. Be Yourself – While you are a business owner, it’s okay to be yourself too. Show some personality. People don’t fall in love with brands; they fall in love with an idea or a person. If you live your mission statement and are fun and bold on your page, people will notice.
  10. Stay on Topic – While it’s okay to ask a question about their family and that type of thing, the content you share must stay on topic. For example, if your page is about cats, don’t start posting about politics unless it has something to do with cats directly.
  11. Recognize Your Followers – People love being named and called on positively on social media. Be sure to thank your followers, give them some gifts like checklists, cheat sheets, or a “how-to” eBook. This will make them feel special.

These ideas to get more engagement on your Facebook page work overtime if you do it consistently and regularly. At first, it will feel as if you’re talking to no one. But after consistent work, you’ll get a lot more engagement, and it’ll all be worth it.